Sunday, August 23, 2009

Milking Machine

My Dad had four years of school education then had to work to help support his family. I don’t know what the teachers taught then but with the four years he was almost a genius in lots of fields. I just thought what he would have been with twelve years then again even six years. He was quite a taskmaster or General but all of us had great respect for him and loved him. His parents and some of his siblings came over from Germany and he was the first to be born in America. I won’t argue about that German blood but surely there was another mixed in. Everything he bought was a “good deal.” It made him feel good and an accomplishment. I felt embarrassed. Well, we went to buy a milking machine for our farm as up until this time we milked the cows by hand morning and night. Dad asked the clerk what the cost was for the milking machine. When he found out the cost, he said it was too much. As we were about to walk out the door of this one business, he was still thinking or so he says whether to buy the new milking machine. I was tempted to hold the door shut, but he then turned to the clerk and said, “I’ll take them if you throw in that red wheelbarrow.” They said, “Yes,” for which I was so thankful. The owners of the establishment just shook their heads and boy I didn’t say a word, but took notes. I think they probably made it up on the next customer. Poor soul, you never followed Dad as the next customer.

Ma Ma June

(Editor’s Note: Grandpa John always said, “Every job needs a good supervisor.” I was seven when he died but I remember vividly his sitting in a lawn chair outside pointing with his cane directing Mother and her brothers on how to do a job. I also remember going out to his house every Saturday morning and watching ‘Roy Rogers and Dale Evans’ show and finish with the ‘Sky King’ show. According to Mother, Grandpa John was a great re-cycler. When they built their new house shortly after Grandma Clara died, the Lieske children pulled nails from the old home’s boards to use in the new house being built plus wood, etc. MaMa June’s and Grandpa Lieske’s loving daughter and granddaughter, Diana)

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